Thursday, March 31, 2016

Week 10 Reading Diary, continued: Pattanaik's Calendar Art: Part D (Vishnu, Brahma)

In these three videos come from Devdutt Pattanaik's Seven Secrets from Hindu Calendar Art, having authority to a population is known to be stressful. The key characteristics I saw in these videos were that the God, Saints and Hermits were all very prosperous in obtaining social interaction for the better of the community. They see that holding on to the belief is what will make people grow stronger in everything, faith, humanity and love. It was great to know more about Krishna. I always knew he was one of the greatest Gods next to Rama but never knew why. Now I know that while Ram is about laws and conduct, Krishna is about love and affection. Both Gods are very different but very much needed and equal in importance. I especially love that Radha came into the story. I know I have mentioned before but I can't help but to refer back to Bollywood songs because that's how I grew up. I never sought more interest in the reasons why certain Bollywood films try to input certain Gods' reference but now it's clear. For example, this song, Radha from a movie called Student of the Year, never why she kept referring herself as Radha. The beat is awesome so I never tried to understand the lyrics but kept hearing the goddess's name being repeated.

Radha for SOTY. Youtube.

I find it astonishing that the creator god, Brahma is not worshiped like the others. This fact is so curious that it could be a good factor into my story tomorrow. The one god who created so much and no festival to rejoice is very selfless of him to attain. He is the epitome of sacrifice. 

Brahma. Source.

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