Thursday, March 31, 2016

Week 10 Reading Diary, continued: Pattanaik's Calendar Art: Part D (Vishnu, Brahma)

In these three videos come from Devdutt Pattanaik's Seven Secrets from Hindu Calendar Art, having authority to a population is known to be stressful. The key characteristics I saw in these videos were that the God, Saints and Hermits were all very prosperous in obtaining social interaction for the better of the community. They see that holding on to the belief is what will make people grow stronger in everything, faith, humanity and love. It was great to know more about Krishna. I always knew he was one of the greatest Gods next to Rama but never knew why. Now I know that while Ram is about laws and conduct, Krishna is about love and affection. Both Gods are very different but very much needed and equal in importance. I especially love that Radha came into the story. I know I have mentioned before but I can't help but to refer back to Bollywood songs because that's how I grew up. I never sought more interest in the reasons why certain Bollywood films try to input certain Gods' reference but now it's clear. For example, this song, Radha from a movie called Student of the Year, never why she kept referring herself as Radha. The beat is awesome so I never tried to understand the lyrics but kept hearing the goddess's name being repeated.

Radha for SOTY. Youtube.

I find it astonishing that the creator god, Brahma is not worshiped like the others. This fact is so curious that it could be a good factor into my story tomorrow. The one god who created so much and no festival to rejoice is very selfless of him to attain. He is the epitome of sacrifice. 

Brahma. Source.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Week 10 Reading Diary: Ram Chahe Leela

In these two videos come from Devdutt Pattanaik's Seven Secrets from Hindu Calendar Art,
I knew from simply growing up that there were 2 types of Bengalis. One from India, Hindus who worshiped Durga and the other Muslims in Bangladesh, like me. I loved all their festivities but never understood why Durga was so important to them. Now I know that she is a popular form of Shakti, power and love. I love the appearance of Durga. She is absolutely breath taking and being a great care giver I can see why people refer to as Durga-Maa or mom.

Durga Maa and her symbols. Source.

The Vishnu principle is stated to make sure that there is harmony between nature and culture. I think that this principle is very versatile and should be upheld in all cases. I love the strength this concept holds. I agree that without nature we are nothing. I feel like I would want to write about a story with having nature playing a very important role. Maybe to have a plant be a symbolic piece by displaying the harm or benefit the society has acted on.

Vishnu having all of these sources to make him a lord to be able to create a stable society and designate the measurements really distinguishes him as of importance. I once hear the term leela before and it happens to come from a Bollywood movie called “Goliyon Ki Rasleela Ram-leela.” It features the Quantico actress, Priyanka Chopra. I loved this movie and all of its songs but never really understood the background of the stories. I know that Ram is a God and leela means a play but in the song they portray them as love-birds.

Ram Chehe Leela Song. Youtube.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Growth Mindset: Staying focused

Cute kitties paying attention. Source.

I have learned that with a busy it is easy to get distracted and tend to sleep it off instead. As well as sleep is very important so is to stay focused. I have learnt that with having genetics at 8:30 AM on a Monday morning is tough to feel like you're learning anything when all I want to do is close my eyes. Although, a new method I am trying to repeating the words Dr. Thompson says so it impacts me whether I like it or not. I will see how long I can keep it up like the staring of the cats. 

Tech Tip: Quotmakers

Quote made by Canva.
Loving this quote that I found on the website. Very easy to make your own but I liked the pre-made ones before. Only difficult part was to find free pictures and not ones that costs $1.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Week 9 Storytelling, Finding the Other Half

It was the first day of her junior year as well as her birthday. Ari was struggling to get to her first class, Women’s and Gender Studies. She was hustling up the stairs of Dale when she tripped and watched as her phone went flying in slow motion. To her surprise, a random guy caught it seconds before it shattered on the concrete floor. Ari, in a hurry, gave the complete stranger the biggest hug, thanked him and ran off to her class. She slowly crept in her class as the professor was giving a lecture over feminism. She was happy. Her phone was saved, and she made it just in time to learn about her favorite topic. She was a huge activist in women’s rights and recently decided to have a minor in Women’s and Gender Studies.
Even it being her favorite class, Ari regretted not going to bed earlier because she kept dozing off in class. The professor finally caught her attention when she said the word, “help .“ Her eyes widened and she immediately felt horrible for not asking for the kind guy’s name. Then, she started to imagine what his name could be. She thought about him being a Caucasian male and she started to list the most common names she could think of: John, Ben, Kyle, Brad, Michael, Jake, Chris and so on. At the end of the class she got 36 names and narrowed it down to Adam, Austin and Alex. She wanted it to start with A so it could match with her initial.
After imagining this John Doe for the whole class period, she became obsessed with the guy. She even started to imagine their life together, what their kids were going to be like and how they would grow old together. Sooner or later she realized how much of a crush she had on this stranger. She didn’t know when or how it even happened. She kept telling her friends about him. How he was her other half but there was nothing more to say than, “He caught my phone.” She laughed it off with her friends and that night they made plans to go out to celebrate her 21st birthday. She and her friends got all dolled up and they took her out to Jax’s to start the night off. They were having a good time when suddenly, Ari saw him. She kept shoving and poking her friends beside her and frantically saying with excitement, “That’s him. That’s him.” Her friends made her take another shot and then playfully, pushed her towards him. Instead of gracefully stopping in front of him, she ended up crashing into him and he caught her before she fell down.

“How much longer is this catching business going to take because I have work in the morning,” he said. She giggled and he gave the brightest smile. Later on that night, she and John Doe left both their friends' group and walked all the way to the Duck Pond from Campus Corner. She saw a nice tree that had the perfect covering for them to sit under. As they walked closer she noticed the log for them to sit on and with relief, she whispered, "Thank God." After getting to know each other for quite some time she realized she still did not know his name. She exclaimed, "WAIT! I don't even know your name! Do you know mine?" They busted out laughing, wondering how it was even possible to forget to ask one another. After much laughter and tears, he told Ari his name was Dan. She smiled and chuckled. She told him what she had done, earlier that day. He said that was pretty cute of her to do. After covering every topic that came to each of their minds, they sat in silence for a while. She looked up at the tree and told Dan about how she loved the sway of the leaves, the peaceful sound they made. She mentioned a lesson she learned in her Women's and Gender Studies class about how women often see themselves as a tree because they give so much, supporting from the roots and giving cover, like the leaves. Dan looked at her and told her she could be his tree any day. She smiled. He went on saying how much he cares about Women's Rights and so forth. He told her that every woman is capable of being shoulder to shoulder with men and maybe even a little higher. With that she kissed him. She told him that this had to be her best birthday yet. Ari knew earlier that day that she had met her better half. After that night, Dan and Ari became one. They became Ardhanari.

Ardhanari. Source. 

Author's Note:
I took a while to write this story, due to the overwhelming amount of information learned from the videos in Seven Secrets from Hindu Calendar Art by Devdutt Pattanaik. Pattanaik compares the difference in trees with two complementary truths in the world. For example, there would be a tall banyan tree to give us shade in the hot summer but we cannot eat ingest it. Whereas, the wheat grass provides us food but we cannot receive shade from it. I gathered much of my information from chapter 3 plus focusing on the God Ardhanari. I decided to choose the setting here at OU as well as choosing the names by breaking up the God's name, Ari and Dan. The God, itself,  is half male to be Shiva and half female to be Parvati. This story was a little from personal experience. From the horrific trip to the dozing off in Women's Gender Studies was all me but the night life was fictional (kinda wish now that it wasn't though!). No worries, no phones were harmed. That was fictional as well. I tried being the stereotypical girl falling for a guy kinda of theme. I just have a lot of respect for this God. To know that he and she are known separately as well as together is really neat. I also clue in the 'other half' parts here and there in the story in reference to the God. 


Thursday, March 24, 2016

Week 9 Reading Diary, continued: Pattanaik's Calendar Art: Part B (Ardhanari, Shiva)

In Chapter's 3 and 4 of the Seven Secrets from Hindu Calendar Art by Devdutt Pattanaik, I felt a huge amount of equality between the male and female forms of the Gods/gods and Goddesses/goddesses. In the first video, I felt that the lesson to take away God is Universal and is never in one form. I can agree with that concept because I too believe that God is all around us and knows everything, only difference is the visualization. I did not realize how close religions can get. Watching these videos really make me appreciate the Hinduism. It is very accomplishing to know exactly who came from what God/god. As well as, knowing the difference with God and god. Every detail is significant. It is astonishing to see that femininity was important way back then. Equal opportunities were not as equal but still had a very important weight. There is another concept from chapter 3 that I was intrigued by. The concept was about the way Hindus related between the different types of trees and grassland. I liked knowing that that spiritual shade is unbearable. That spirituality lies within us. I feel like that is a concept we all can learn and teach from. Pass it down to the following generation that spirituality is important to hold on to because it can bring a sense of serenity. I feel like adding a sense of serenity in my story will allow to reach a different side in the reader’s. I want to be able to relate emotions using symbolism. Overall, there were plenty of lessons I learned from Part B and I can’t wait to learn more from the following.

gif of trees. Source

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Week 9 Reading Diary: Pattanaik's Calendar Art: Part A (Ganesha, Narayan)

The two videos that came from Devdutt Pattanaik's SevenSecrets from Hindu Calendar Art was very entertaining. I was very excited to watch the overall concept of Ganesha and how he came to be. Being a Muslim, I always kept an open mind on other religions purely to curiosity. Growing up with a knowledge of Indian culture, I assumed too often when it came to Hindu Gods. First being that I did not know that there was a difference between god and God. There were so many connections with all of the gods and goddesses, I kind of got overwhelmed. Although, I do have the upmost respect for Hindu’s who do not see this being a factor in their religion and only being faithful. I was drawn towards the love story of Vishnu on how he went to find his wife Shri but ended up falling in love with Padmavati. I feel like that storyline is very common and will be fun to be creative with. I also adored how the parrot and lotus were symbols of love. I think symbolism is very useful in any genre.

In the second video of Part A. I was eager to see Lakshmi’s story again. I knew she was always considered the goddess of wealth but never a cow also known as Go-Mata. That makes more sense in the factor that Vishnu being Gopala the keeper of cow. I honestly did not know that Vishnu and Narayan were the same person but only difference was whether their eyes were shut or open. It really intrigues me that the smallest detail can change a God. Another story that I took away from this video was Tumburu and Narad. I think it can be comically when you find out that the friend helping the two guys actually ends up with the girl.

Overall, I enjoyed learning more about the Hindu religion. I have had respect for the culture and all the traditions beforehand but now knowing the background of everyone, it all makes sense. I think the concept of God can be pulled in many ways but one common thought I agree with Devdutt Pattanaik is that, “Everything is God.”
Funny meme of when God made me. Source.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Week 8: Reading in the future

I honestly love videos over any reading. So it was an automatic choice for me to choose a film to watch in the next few weeks than the other choice of reading. I ended up choosing the
Pattanaik's Calendar Art. I feel like I better understanding when seeing the characters act out their roles. I am very excited to learn more about this because it features the God Ganesha, who I have always had an interest towards when relating the Hindu religion. 

Lord Ganesha. Source.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Week 8 Blog Ideas

Looking throughout all of my classmate’s blog I now know that there is never a limit into being creative. I adored all the different themes that I saw and was ungrateful for choosing my own but then I saw that Bayan had the same theme and I was glad again. Obviously her blog is very flawless so to speak and I envy her but I liked how she had the weather widget on the side. I mean living in Oklahoma all my life, I am more than used to the bipolar weather we have and having a tool to keep you in the know is really nice.

Second blog I came upon was Nikita’s. Needless to say, I too found her blog way more interesting than mine. I mean just browse on it, you will agree in a heartbeat. I love the whole vibe she puts off. It does not even feel like a blog. It feels more as of a one on one conversation- kind of atmosphere. It is nice to be treated more as of a friend than a stranger.

Lastly, I randomly chose Savannah’s blog and I am glad I did so because it is simply breath taking. I love how she chose WordPress as her source for her blogs. I wish I did so too! I just love the layout and how interesting the font. My favorite part would have to be the recent activity seen on her page. I think it is a better insight on the progress of the blog itself.