Friday, April 1, 2016

Week 10 Storytelling: Helpless Maa

I am writing to you because I have no other choice. I need advice about what to do with my two sons, Vishnu and Rama. I have one son, Vishnu, who thinks about nature and culture first. Another son, Rama, who thinks about laws and conduct. Both sons can work in harmony but holding onto their pride, they often don’t. People usually come to me for advice in the town because everyone sees me as a mother but I have failed them when I cannot even keep my own house in peace. Please, I am helpless. How do I make my sons get along when they are so different? Vishnu is on the verge of changing his identity and name to ‘Krishna’ so he won’t be longer known as ‘Rama’s brother’ or my ‘other’ son. I am trying to be supportive in both of them but it gets difficult at times. I beg to obtain Shakti to keep them happy as well as myself. My sons are the world to me and all I want is them to get along.--- HELPESS MAA, IN BENGAL

Don’t lose hope. It sounds like you have great sons. By the tone of your letter I can automatically tell that you are a divine mother. I know at times it can be tough but you have to realize that these are two different beings. They are allowed to have differences and similarities. It not fair to you to face this much stress from their behavior or personality. You being a mother is already a Shakti and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Suggest that the boys see your perspective and if they turn out to be the good sons you say, they will abide and listen to your plea. Then be prepared, because your sons will have a lot to say but that should not mean you don’t.


I took your advice and I spoke to my sons about my problems with them not getting along. I spoke to them separately and then together. It turns out that Vishnu has been wanting to change himself for a girl. Her name is Radha. I have never met her before but my son tells me she comes by the town often since her grandmother lives down the street. Rama tells me that Vishnu sneaks out at night to play tunes with his flute down by the river for her almost every night. I even caught a picture. Abby, I think it may be her that is ruining the brother’s friendship. I am trying to understand his side of the story but I cannot until I speak to this girl.---HELPLESS MAA, IN BENGAL

                                           Radha listening to Krishna play. Source 

I know it is easy to blame others for personal problems but I do agree that you should speak to her before anything else. Don’t let your other sons mention anything about her until you get to meet her. As for the brothers, set up a time in the day to sit down with both of them and talk about their day to day activities. 

Thank you for your advice. I think it worked out for the best. My Vishnu is now Krishna thanks to Radhika. He really loves her as well as she loves him. I could see that Rama was getting jealous since he decided not to speak to SIta, his love, at the moment. That situation I can figure out later. I am just glad that I have a better communication with them. They are my world. If my boys are happy then that makes me happy.---NOT SO HELPESS MAA, IN BENGAL

Author's Note:
I have used Durga as the mother that is writing to Abby. I have never tried this style so if you are confused it's because so was I. I tried having a heartfelt mother like the mother God herself, being torn apart for having two sons who are very different than the other. I know that Rama is an incarnation of Vishnu but I thought it would be fun to play it up as different people since the characteristics change. I wanted to add Radha into the mix so I decided to play up the fact that Krishna and Radha were the love birds and Rama was the jealous brother. I honestly did not follow any particular story, just created one using the characteristics of each character.

Rama and Vishnu from Seven Secrets from Hindu Calendar Art by Devdutt Pattanaik


  1. Hey Benika!

    I am so glad I got another chance to visit your blog and check out some more of your stories! I like that this was a creation of your own and not based off of a previous story. It was really creative on your part to use previous character's personalities to create something completely new. Yet again, great job this week with your story!

  2. Hi, Benika!

    I was slightly confused while reading your narrative, so when I got down to the author’s note, I laughed out loud! I found your honestly incredibly endearing, and reading your author’s note really helped me make sense out of everything. While the switching up of the characters was initially confusing, I totally caught on after reading your note! It was very creative to use idea of the characters themselves as inspiration, rather than following a storyline or theme. Good job!

  3. I LOVE this way that you wrote your story! It was such a cool format, and being seperated out into each character made it so easy to read. I really enjoyed this. I would suggest maybe adding more pictures, like add the picture of each person who speaks above their speaking--just an idea. I like how creature you got and created your own thing rather than just base it off one completely. I also like to do that! I personally think it is the most creative thing to do! Well done!

  4. This is a pretty awesome format, and one I have not seen before. I think you were very successful. Abby's response were full of wisdom. You must be quite insightful yourself.

    I do, however, wish that you had given us more information about the resolution. We do not really get a sense that the brothers have resolved their differences. The mother realized why it is that her sons were fighting (a girl) but we don't really get a sense that the issue has been resolved. I would have liked to see a stronger sense of closure from the ending.

  5. I really enjoyed you style of storytelling through the “Dear Abby” advice column. I also like how you spelled out the opposing forces of nature versus order through Vishnu and Rama. Dear Abby’s response was spot on: there is no right or wrong but just different. This is actually what Vishnu preaches, that the good and bad in the world actually bring harmony and balance to it.

  6. I love how creative you were by using this style of writing and throwing in Abby the Nanny - someone who we all know already. It's also really neat that you related the letters so closely to the tales. And using indian terminology within the text made it feel more authentic. I found it funny when Rama was jealous of his brother's love because he wasn't talking to Sita at the time!

  7. Benika!!

    First off I absolutely loved the style of your story! Dear Abby is a style I’ve yet to try because I’m unsure of how to utilize it. You did absolutely amazing and the fact that you fused it together with characters from the epic so flawlessly was wonderful. I love that you didn’t use the typical major plot points from the epic but instead wrote about struggles that a mother and sons/brothers can go through.
