Thursday, May 5, 2016
Week 15: Reading Evaluation
I was surprised at how many stories I really was interested in. I am one of those students who rather skim their reading assignments than thoroughly read them. However, everything was different when I started reading Ramayana. I was always interested in the fact of Hindu Gods. I had a general knowledge about them but it was really nice to read more in detail. My favorite story was about Sita. I always knew the ideal love story was the ultimate goal for couples. I just never knew what Sita had to physically go through as well as mentally to get to her perfect man. I used a lot of interview diary, strategies, love story point of view and the basic creativity. Reading and writing did seem overwhelming at time but that was also due to other school work. They were a good balance. For future students, I recommend to always write down the assignments weekly. Also, make sure to include the extra credit options so they are never missed.
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
Week 15: Reflection Over My Last Semester as an Undergrad
I cannot even begin to explain the benefits I have received from this class alone. Laura is hands down one of the best professors I have met in my four years at OU. Every semester we all say the same reminder of staying focused and on task but half way through the semester, it gets hard to find the time to breathe. Laura is the nice breath of fresh air. I love this class because of her. She finds the time to keep you on track and it really motivates me to do better. I have improved so much in my writing because of this class and my fellow classmates. I have improved on grammar, description and easily knocking out a page in less than 30 minutes. I have learned how to mold a story from reading another story. I love interacting with students through the blog. I was able to see such creativity shine through from each student. I have already told my other peers to take this course when they get the chance because it is exactly what you need to end the semester well.
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Week 14 Reading Diary, continued: Nine Ideal Indian Women: Savitri, Damayanti, Sati, and Uttara Part B
This week I read a chapter out of the Nine Ideal Indian Women: Savitri, Damayanti, Sati, and Uttara by Sunity Devee in 1919. It was very interesting to read how deep of a detail she can go through and despite the book itself being almost a hundred years, the emotion attachment and the feeling that is displayed through the words are still the same. Out of the two women and their chapters, I gravitated more towards Sati. I enjoyed Devee adding so much respect for the mother nature and she portrayed those same insights through Sati. I like how she was first curious with Siva through the art of yoga. I am a huge meditation enthusiast so I was immediately intrigued by this detail in her story. I have a desire in trying Hot Yoga and maybe I can add that detail to my story this week. I was able to sense the love and passion the couple had for the world as well as for themselves. I loved the quote "you are my life because you are my love." A girl can only hope to hear these words come from their one and only. I am no sure if it is derived from her name, Sati but the Hindi word for life partner is "Jeevan Saathi." I think that could be my title for the story. I enjoyed reading about their location of where they started their lives together. Surround by mountains sounds very serene. I think the overall lesson to take from this couple is that spirituality is more important than materialistic things in life. When she was getting all dressed up, I instantly wanted to be her right then and there. In the end, love always has a way of winning. I think love is a great theme to play with in this week's story.
Shiva and Sati. Source.
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Week 14 Reading Diary: Nine Ideal Indian Women: Savitri, Damayanti, Sati, and Uttara
In this week’s reading diary, I loved reading about Savitri because there was so much I did not know. I have read bits and pieces about her but did not know how devoted she was, to her husband. I was amazed on how much her love and faithfulness paid off in the end. I think adding the detail of her background was very important because it shows how great her up bringing was. She was adored and loved by all and she became this ideal woman who thought about love and dreamed about her Prince Charming. She never saw Prince Satyaban to enter her life so soon and so fast. Her parents agreed that everything was moving too soon. They did agree of the relationship later on but that was after bringing in a third source, “Narad.” He explained to the princess and the king that the prince was he was destined to pass within a year. I like how she did not give up on him due to this conspiracy or her parents’ wishes. It does pain me that such a great person like her would have to go through the knowledge of her husband someday passing on a daily basis. I think her courage is what struck to me the most. I would like to assume if I were to be in her shoes I would stay in the same though process and mindset, overall being strong. I think Savitri is a great character to play on in this week’s story line. Satyaban was a great character as well. Him being loyal to his parents is something I too look for in a companionship.
Savitri and Satyaban. Source.
by Sunity Devee
in 1919
in 1919
Monday, April 25, 2016
Week 13: Tech Tip Weather Widget
Weather Widget
I love this tech tip. Not only do I love Oklahoma's bipolar weather but now instead of going on another source I can see from my blog what the weather is going to be like. It was so simple to add onto the blog too I feel like everyone should do it!Week 13: Growth Mindset
Doesn't look like after turning 22 last week, I still have not gotten the hang of things. I have always been told that I am very mature for my age or that I know to be trusted because I uphold so many responsibilities. Honestly, I have yet to actually believe in these opinions. I feel like I am still 8 years old, running to catch the morning bus. I think people put me in a pedestal and all I want to do is get off it and lay on a couch. I know I am no where near where I thought I would be at this age. I had so much expectation of myself without even realizing that life does not work that way. I know I will get to a place where I am happy of my placement in life eventually.
Week 13: Learn by HEART Challenge
This meme is the definition of my life right now. I am such a coffee addict that I seriously cannot function without it. On top of that, my sleep schedule is pretty crazy due to the many all-nighters so coffee does become my best friend. Even after four years, my coffee habit has not decreased but only increased. I hope that once I do graduate I am able to reduce my intake of caffeine. I even tried for a week without caffeine and let's just say that I'm thankful for the people that are still in my life.
Sunday, April 24, 2016
Portfolio Guide
In this Portfolio I am going to try to go outside my comfort zone. By the means of, writing about certain topics that I do or don't like and see if I am able to find out something new about myself.

Hanuman Checks Out: Hanuman's bumping into his past.
Beginning of a New Beginning: Hanuman tries therapy to relieve the tension he's been carrying for a while.

Hanuman Checks Out: Hanuman's bumping into his past.
Finding the Other Half: Story of two souls meeting as one.
Thursday, April 21, 2016
Week 13 Reading Diary, continued: The Princes of Elephant City, Part B
In this section of the reading of The Princes of Elephant City by C. A. Kincaid in 1921, there were many times when the stories had got too vivid. Previously, I have mentioned that more details the better but there are times when you need the story to get straight to the point so you don't the attention from your readers. I want to try to use that method in my writing this week. That does not quite mean I will not add any details at all but to organize the outline of the story in a way where there is no need for extra detail. Out of the chapters, the story of King Krishna's death stood out to me the most. I loved reading about how he was able to escape death before from King Kamsa, his uncle. Therefore, I was immediately intrigued when hearing about how he did not escape death this time. I know it is not humorous but I find it ironic that his death was lead by alcohol. Ever since I was little I was warned by many that alcohol is going to kill you so you better never drink it, also coming from a more conservative family, it would make sense for them to say so. I think that, their terminology actually works in this story. I know alcohol consumption is no joking matter but it would interesting to tied in parts and bits of this story into mine. I think I want the story to have the climax being that the main character is forbidden to drink and accidentally does and have the story be more of a triller sense. I do feel bad that while Krishna was trying to mediate and seek peace for his kingdom he ends up getting killed innocently.
Krishna. Source
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Week 13 Reading Diary:The Princes of Elephant City
This week I have chose to read about The Princes of Elephant City by C. A. Kincaid in 1921. I read about Arjuna and was very intrigued with his adventures with being in exiled. One thing I don't understand is why did he have to marry Ulupi, She became this unexpected princess who helped out Arjuna in his time of need. She sought out that he would redeem himself and return safely back home with a higher head than he was when he first met her. It was also interesting that Arjuna had a dream about Agni who told him to burn down the Khandava forest to destroy the nagas. These stories would be fun to tweak with. I think using Ulupi as the main point of view in Arjuna's stories would be interesting to read. If I used her telling her reasons why she grabbed him from the river and dragged him to the water kingdom to the reasons why she fell in love with him. Maybe, she would even explain why she needed to marry him? Arjuna having a dream and him waking up and going along with the dream is very confusing. If he saw that he was responsible for a fire in the forest why does he still choose to commit to the crime? I think that concept would be a good part of the story. To have a nightmare and then trying to avoid the same events that happened in the dream with real life but end up being the exact movements.
Ulupi with Arjuna. Source
Friday, April 15, 2016
Week 12 Storytelling: Devaki's Diary
Dear Diary,
April 10
I don't know what had gotten into my brother. I was just wed with my husband not too long ago and now brother has kept us in imprisonment. Have I done something wrong? I tried to talk it out with my husband but he is was so tired I let him sleep earlier. I wonder if anyone or anything had told my brother some lie that he has forced me to live like this with my husband. I love my brother and would not want anything to happen to him? Does he not have the same mind set? Or does he?
Dear Diary,
June 27
Brother finally visited after killing the sixth child I had. He showed no emotion. That is not like my brother. He is the most caring and especially for his little sister. He did not even say a word to us. He simply told the servant to keep us hydrated as the heat of the summer was kicking in. I don't understand, if he is keeping us imprisoned why is he trying to make it comfortable?
Dear Diary,
August 2
Husband and I know now that we are expecting. I don't know how far long I am but I am able to tell that I am conceiving since this is my eight pregnancy. I am very excited and I don’t know how. I lost 6 of my precious babies and with the grace of God I was able to put my 7th child into safety, or at least I hope he is. I have a different feeling with this child. I can feel the power within me increase day by day and I can’t tell if it’s because of the child or me?
Dear Diary,
September 12
Brother visited once more. This time he asked how I was and touched my face. He hasn’t asked about my well being for some time and let alone be friendly like he was with me in years. I hope he gets some senses and sees what he is doing to his own sister is wrong. I don’t know how much longer I can take of this.
Dear Diary,
January 30
Today was the day. My baby finally entered the world and the beauty of the child I was the happiest mother of them all. He wore the sweetest smile when being birthed and Vasu held him as he cried. My baby. He is finally here! The world stopped as he grasped my pinky. His little coos and giggles made me want to stop the moment and live in it forever. His eyes were like mine, big and bold. Alas, I knew there wasn’t enough time to notice every detail of him because Brother would be coming in at anytime. I sent the little one off to safety with hopes to see him once again.
Birth of Krishna. Source
Author's Notes:
I decided to used the diary style to amplify more emotion since it is the mother going through pregnancy. I used the story of Krishna being born but only pertaining to events held before his actual birth. I found such strength and willpower in Devaki when going through all her births. I was able to detect that a loss of a child is horrific and to go through it countless of times is simply astonishing to me. I think all mothers are super heroes and Devaki definitely meets the definition.
"Cradle Tales of Hinduism"by Sister Nivedita from 1907.
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Week 12 Reading DIary: Story of Krishna Part A
I enjoyed reading more about Krishna. This week I read "Cradle Tales of Hinduism" by Sister Nivedita from 1907. I was a great read! I particular enjoyed the beginning of the births of Krishna. There was so much detail I had not known before. I think Nivedita did a great job in describing the emotion as well as the reality sides of each character. After being around many friends who have children or about to, each birth story is different and special. In Devaki's case, this birth story is extra different and extra special. I would wonder what her mind was going through when going through all this during her pregnancy. No one would love to stay in prison and let alone be pregnant at the time. It would be interesting to hear her side of the story. The part when she forgot the world after holding her child for those moments was very enduring to me. I think all mothers are very much like superwomen. To write about the intensity of the moment and the details when she first held him is something I plan on expanding in this week's story. I love how they title Krishna as Babe, very cute. I think it would be interesting to play on this story of having a child and not being ready for the stress to be reciprocated from having Krishna who would one day slay the King. Motherhood is always a great aspect to portray of life itself. I am no where close to that part in life yet but would be interesting to see how I come about it, writing wise.
Devaki holding Krishna. Source
Thursday, April 7, 2016
Week 11 Reading Diary: Tales of Ancient India, Part B
This week I read The Tales of Ancient India by Edmund CharlesCox in 1887. In reading Part B of the chapters I found the story of Saraswati
to be very intriguing. She was a bystander while her husband was remarried and
she was not aware of anything of this until the last moment. Indra finding
Gayatri to be Brahma’s new spouse was pretty surprising on my end just because
they know so little about her and yet she would be the wife of a God now? That
part did not make sense but seeing Saraswati’s wrath overcame my confusion. This week I would like to do a story to
portray Gayatri’s side of the marriage. I think it would be interesting to see
what she was thinking as Indra took her hand for marriage for Brahma. Was she
aware that he was already married? Was she also married and did not tell
anyone? I can also display Saraswati’s character variously as well. Did she
want to test Brahma to see if he would take another wife? When she spoke of her
curse towards Brahma, it can be a good starting point of my story because I can
pick up on where she left off. Having her avenges on Brahma would be the
beginning of where I can start my climax of my story. I always heard of
Saraswati in old hindi films but I am excited to read more about her. I think
this week I would have a lot to add in for a climax.
Saraswati. Source.
Friday, April 1, 2016
Week 10 Storytelling: Helpless Maa
I am writing to you because I have no other choice. I need advice about what to do with my two sons, Vishnu and Rama. I have one son, Vishnu, who thinks about nature and culture first. Another son, Rama, who thinks about laws and conduct. Both sons can work in harmony but holding onto their pride, they often don’t. People usually come to me for advice in the town because everyone sees me as a mother but I have failed them when I cannot even keep my own house in peace. Please, I am helpless. How do I make my sons get along when they are so different? Vishnu is on the verge of changing his identity and name to ‘Krishna’ so he won’t be longer known as ‘Rama’s brother’ or my ‘other’ son. I am trying to be supportive in both of them but it gets difficult at times. I beg to obtain Shakti to keep them happy as well as myself. My sons are the world to me and all I want is them to get along.--- HELPESS MAA, IN BENGAL
Don’t lose hope. It sounds like you have great sons. By the tone of your letter I can automatically tell that you are a divine mother. I know at times it can be tough but you have to realize that these are two different beings. They are allowed to have differences and similarities. It not fair to you to face this much stress from their behavior or personality. You being a mother is already a Shakti and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Suggest that the boys see your perspective and if they turn out to be the good sons you say, they will abide and listen to your plea. Then be prepared, because your sons will have a lot to say but that should not mean you don’t.
I took your advice and I spoke to my sons about my problems with them not getting along. I spoke to them separately and then together. It turns out that Vishnu has been wanting to change himself for a girl. Her name is Radha. I have never met her before but my son tells me she comes by the town often since her grandmother lives down the street. Rama tells me that Vishnu sneaks out at night to play tunes with his flute down by the river for her almost every night. I even caught a picture. Abby, I think it may be her that is ruining the brother’s friendship. I am trying to understand his side of the story but I cannot until I speak to this girl.---HELPLESS MAA, IN BENGAL
Radha listening to Krishna play. Source
DEAR HELPESS MAA:I know it is easy to blame others for personal problems but I do agree that you should speak to her before anything else. Don’t let your other sons mention anything about her until you get to meet her. As for the brothers, set up a time in the day to sit down with both of them and talk about their day to day activities.
Thank you for your advice. I think it worked out for the best. My Vishnu is now Krishna thanks to Radhika. He really loves her as well as she loves him. I could see that Rama was getting jealous since he decided not to speak to SIta, his love, at the moment. That situation I can figure out later. I am just glad that I have a better communication with them. They are my world. If my boys are happy then that makes me happy.---NOT SO HELPESS MAA, IN BENGAL
Author's Note:
I have used Durga as the mother that is writing to Abby. I have never tried this style so if you are confused it's because so was I. I tried having a heartfelt mother like the mother God herself, being torn apart for having two sons who are very different than the other. I know that Rama is an incarnation of Vishnu but I thought it would be fun to play it up as different people since the characteristics change. I wanted to add Radha into the mix so I decided to play up the fact that Krishna and Radha were the love birds and Rama was the jealous brother. I honestly did not follow any particular story, just created one using the characteristics of each character.
Rama and Vishnu from Seven Secrets from Hindu Calendar Art by Devdutt Pattanaik
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